乌龟是爬行动物中非常有趣的一种。它的生活历史比人类历史长十多倍,其化石可以追溯到2.3亿年前。世界上有200多种乌龟,中国有近30种。乌龟的种类和习性是多种多样的。它们可以一直向前爬行,有些在陆地上。少数可以在水中,甚至在陆地和水之间移动。 Although the morphology of turtles of different species and genders varies greatly, most of the turtles are almost similar in appearance: small head, long neck, short limbs, no teeth, hard keratin scales on the limbs and skin, and a pair of upper and lower jaw. The shell is hard and is divided into dorsal and ventral shells. They are mutually connected by the lateral ribs, with a vertebral bone plate on the shell, a costal plate on both sides, and an eardrum in the costal groove, and 4 or more infralap plates and an anal plate on the ventral shell.